“There are just two things that I think really speak highly of Todd. One is that he ran our marketing for several years (at Strategic Profits). I wouldn’t hire anyone that I didn’t think was the best!
Then, there are really only 3 people who I go to for advice on a consistent basis. One is Jay Abraham, one is Mark Ford (aka Michael Masterson), and then the other one is Todd Brown.
This is the guy that when I have to work on a report or when I have to figure out some kind of marketing thing that I’m trying to get my head around, Todd is the guy. If you know me, you know that I don’t really say that about very many people because that wouldn’t be true. But Todd really is the guy! To get Todd to help you get your campaign up and running, which is really the guts of your whole business, is one of the smartest things I think you can do!”