In 5 minutes, check your email for your Unique Mechanism Swipe File.
In the meantime, below is an exclusive discount offer for you... 
 In 5 minutes, check your email for your Unique Mechanism Swipe File. In the meantime, below is an exclusive discount offer for you... 

"The public was never supposed to hear about these new marketing insights I'm teaching my team this week."

Hear the private marketing guidance Todd Brown gives
his Own team every week
...So You Too Can

Hear the private marketing guidance Todd Brown gives his Own team every week... So You Too Can

Experience Record Sales In 2023!

Experience Record
Sales In 2023!

*This Is NOT About Another
Marketing Course or Training

*This Is NOT About Another
Marketing Course or Training

"The most effective way in {{YYYY}} to have your audience
immediately know why they should choose you and your product
over everything else they can spend money on right now!

"Have Your Solution Instantly Viewed As Different & Superior To What Competitors Are Offering" 

Get Immediate Access To Todd Brown's Legendary Unique Mechanism Bootcamp

With This 93%-OFF Discount... 


** ONLY $69 **

You'll have complete mastery of the Unique Mechanism
...what A-Player Marketers and Top Tier Copywriters are calling... 

"The most powerful conversion & differentiation technique
in all of direct response marketing in {{YYYY}}!"

Who Is Todd Brown?

Considered the #1 authority on engineering profitable customer acquisition campaigns…

Todd Brown is the marketing expert other well-known marketing experts go to when they need help with their own campaigns.

With clients in over 76 different countries, operating in over 91 different mass and niche markets, it’s been said that Todd has helped his students engineer more six and seven-figure funnels than any other expert online today.

His list of coaching students, consulting clients, and subscribers reads like a Who’s Who of A-List Entrepreneurs.

His Agency has created the promotions behind some of the biggest direct response marketers and companies online today.

And, entrepreneurs fly-in to West Palm Beach, Florida — from all around the globe — for a single day of guidance with Todd to learn his renowned E5 Method, including how to deploy a Unique Mechanism.

“I love Todd Brown. I think he’s a genius…”

- Russell Brunson| Founder, Clickfunnels

“Todd Brown is a genius marketer and one of the biggest people that have had an impact on me and my business”

- Ryan Levesque | Founder, The Ask Method

“Todd Brown is awesome. Anything he ever sells I think you should buy.

- Jon Benson | Founder, BNSN AI

This Shows your prospects you have something Unique & Better
Than Every other option they have

Todd Brown
From the Desk of Todd Brown
Date: {{long-date}}
Dear Friend,

     In the two-plus decades… almost 24 years... of marketing and selling online, there’s one marketing strategy which has made me more money than anything else, hands-down bar none...

     The Unique Mechanism!

     It’s played the single biggest role in the success of my marketing and my ability to generate tens of millions of dollars online every year.

Top Marketing Pros Agree...
 Today, You MUST Have A Unique Mechanism!

Top Marketing Pros Agree...
 Today, You MUST Have A
Unique Mechanism!

"You must make the unique mechanism of your product the star of your marketing."

- Dan Kennedy | Legendary Marketer

"The unique mechanism makes your offer stand out..."

- Alex Hormozi |

"A unique mechanism is your secret weapon in marketing. It’s the key that unlocks the door to differentiation and helps you charge more for your product."

- Joe Polish | Genius Network

"A unique mechanism is the key to standing out in a crowded market."

- Dean Graziosi | Top Online Entrepreneur

"Your unique mechanism is the thing that convinces your audience that your solution is the only one that can deliver the promised results."

- Ryan Deiss | Co-Founder, Digital Marketer

"You need to make your unique mechanism the core of your marketing."

- Frank Kern | Legendary Marketer

"Your unique mechanism is the 'X' factor that makes your business stand out."

- Jay Abraham | #1 Marketing Consultant

Because It Answers
The Question
For Your Audience...
"Why Should I Choose Your Solution Over All The Others?"

Because It Answers The Question
For Your Audience...
"Why Should I Choose Your Solution Over All The Others?"

     Let me ask you this...

     As a coach, consultant, course creator, info-marketer, or expert… can you say with complete confidence… right now… you know exactly how to demonstrate to your marketplace you have a unique solution… the superior solution… to give your prospects the result they want?

     Like… do you know how to show your prospective clients why they should choose you and your way over everything else they can spend money on right now?

     If not, this is for you... 

     Because, fact is, if you don’t have a reliable way for showing your prospects you have something unique and different and something superior to every other option they have… you will continue to struggle to generate new clients and sales. 

     And you likely know that. 

"If you don't clearly define and communicate your unique mechanism, your prospects will simply see your offer as another commodity."

- Dan Kennedy | Legendary Marketer

WITHOUT A Unique Mechanism...

     If you’re NOT properly showing prospects what’s different and better about your solution and how it works to solve their problem, here’s what you deal with:
  • Visitors go to your marketing but few buy...
  • ​Traffic is too expensive because you’re not generating enough sales...
  • ​You’re frustrated because you have marketing funnels set-up but they're not working like you expected...
  • ​Your business isn’t really growing and you’re not making the money you want. 
     And all of that is because... 

     It doesn’t matter what you do or say or show or set-up in terms of a marketing funnel, if you’re NOT properly showing prospects what’s different and better about what your solution and how it works to solve your their problem...

     ...why would prospective clients spend money with you instead of all their other options?

     Most won’t. 

     And, I’m pretty confident you already recognize that. 

You'll Never Be Viewed Again As
"More Of The Same"

   Now here’s the thing to really understand:

   What we’re talking about here is differentiating your knowledge... and what you teach... and how it works to produce results compared to what your competitors are teaching.

   We’re not talking about telling your prospective clients what makes YOU personally different. Like, your work experience, credentials, track record, your client list, testimonials. 


   While those things can be helpful, they’re not nearly as important to prospects today as they were many years ago. 

   Today, what your prospective clients want to know more than anything else from you… is… 

   "What makes your method, knowledge, system, etc., more effective than all the others being offered out there?"

   And you must be able to answer that question.

"A unique mechanism is the ‘hook’ that makes your offer stand out. It explains why your solution works in a way that nobody else’s solution does."

- Russell Brunson | Clickfunnels
   Fortunately, as you'll see, when you present your marketing message with a Unique Mechanism you answer that question. So..

Your Prospects Will Know Why Your Solution Is more effective than everybody else’s 

Your Prospects Will Know Why
Your Solution Is more effective 
than everybody else’s

   Now, of course, it’s not just a matter of telling your prospective clients you have something different and better. No.

   Your prospective clients won’t simply accept you telling them your solution is different and better. 


   Because every one of your competitors are saying they have something different and better. 

   Your prospective clients want proof, evidence. 
   Before they spend money with you they want you to explain HOW your approach is different and... how and why your approach works to produce better results for them. Better than every option and choice they have.

Two Truths To Acknowledge:

     (1) You already know your prospects aren’t interested in more of the same. 

    They don’t care about yet another solution similar to what they’ve already been presented with, heard about, and seen. 

     (2) And you already know, nobody wants the second best or third best solution. 

     That’s why there aren’t many searches on Google for the second best way to do anything. 


     What your prospective clients, students, customers are looking for… what your marketplace is looking for… what they want… what they demand… is the best solution. The #1 solution. The #1 way to get the result they want. 

     That’s what they spend money on.

     And that’s why what they want to know from you… is… what makes your solution, your method, your expertise, different from everything else they can spend money on… and what makes yours better than all the others. 

"The unique mechanism is what helps your customers understand why your product or service is the only one they need to buy."

- Mike Dillard | Top Online Marketer

That’s exactly what you'll learn how to do inside...

     I'm going to teach you how to get prospects to quickly see that you have a unique and superior solution... by teaching you how to present your knowledge and expertise with a Unique Mechanism.

     And you're going to learn everything from A-Z... and have mastery of the most potent marketing and differentiation method in all of direct response today.

    Now look: 

    Lots of experts today are talking about the Unique Mechanism. Some even attempting to teach on it. 

    But, fact is, most have learned it from me. 

    I first started teaching the Unique Mechanism over a decade ago. 

    And this is why, if you search Unique Mechanism on Google, you’ll find references to me on almost every listing from top to bottom. 

    Point being, here… you’re learning one of the most effective marketing strategies on the planet from the person who developed it.
     And as you'll see... when used correctly, like I'm going to teach you, the Unique Mechanism is...

 The single most effective way today to have your prospects see you and your offer as the best path!

     Now look: Fact is...

     You already have a Mechanism. 

     Every product or training or course does. 

     You just need to understand the simple process of identifying what makes your approach a Unique Mechanism and how to properly present it in your marketing… which I’m going to show you exactly how to do.

     And even if you think you already understand and know what a Unique Mechanism is… or maybe even have attempted to develop one for your marketing… 

     I would bet you’re likely making one or more of the little mistakes or leaving out one of the essential pieces which can significantly weaken the power of your Unique Mechanism.

     As soon as I show you how to properly identify, name, and share your Unique Mechanism, prospects will immediately recognize why they should choose you and...

prospects will immediately recognize why investing in your offer is the smartest move they can make!

     With your own Unique Mechanism, your marketing will no longer get lost in the noise of your competitors. 

     Instead, you’ll stand-out because you have a solution which your prospective clients see as vastly different and better than your competitors. 
     And the really cool part is… 

     After you go through the Bootcamp and once you have your Unique Mechanism, marketing will be easy for you. Seriously...

     Because you’ll understand how to present your Unique Mechanism with a simple education-based marketing message. 

     So you won’t have to try to sell prospective buyers, use whizbang copy, try aggressive sales tactics, or any of that nonsense. You can leave that for your competitors. 

     Instead, you’ll have a simple marketing message which leads prospective buyers to see your solution as distinct and incomparable in how it works to produce the results they want... 

     Leading prospects to want to pay you for your Unique Mechanism before you ever even talk about your offer. 

"The unique mechanism is the thing that shifts your audience’s perspective and makes them see your solution as the only one that can get them the result they want."

- Dean Jackson | Elite Marketer

Your Prospects Will Be Thrilled As They're Buying From You!

Your Prospects Will Be Thrilled
As They're Buying From You!

     And, with your Unique Mechanism at the heart of your marketing... 

     Your audience will view you and your solution with a deep feeling of hope… that maybe this time, with your offer, they'll finally get the results they want... 

     Because they see you as having something they haven’t heard of before, they haven’t been offered before. Not available anywhere else, from anyone else. 

     See, after you go through the Bootcamp, when you have your own Unique Mechanism... before you even present your offer, prospective clients will be pre-sold on your solution. 

     They’ll go into your offer already wanting what you have to offer. 

     And this is why, with your own Unique Mechanism...

     You should expect to see significantly higher sales conversions than what you’ve experienced in the past. More people buying! 

     And you’ll certainly enjoy far greater sales conversions than what any of your competitors are experiencing. 

Working In Every Marketplace!

     And, in case you're wondering...

     YES, this will work for you no matter what marketplace you operate within or what type of information or guidance or expertise you’re offering...

     Because no matter your market or the type of information you're offering, the people in your marketplace still want to know what makes your approach different and better. 

     And that’s exactly what having your own Unique Mechanism does for you -- it immediately shows prospects what makes your approach unique and superior.

     As well, the Unique Mechanism will work for you no matter how crowded or competitive your marketplace may be.

     In fact, the more crowded and competitive your marketplace, the more effective your Unique Mechanism will be for you at driving new buyers...

     Because it'll make you stand-out as special and better at what you do than everybody else using the same, common marketing pitch approach. 

From A-Z
You'll Have Mastery Of The Unique Mechanism

     Because, after you go through the Bootcamp...

     You'll know everything there is to know about using a Unique Mechanism in your marketing to stand-out as having something new, unique, different, fresh, and superior to everything else in the market.

     You'll know how to choose the right type of mechanism to go with... how to identify the mechanism within any product or service... how to name it... how to position and present the Unique Mechanism in your marketing... how to use it in your content... how to use it in your ads... and how the Unique Mechanism gets included in the offer... and more. 

     And you'll know how to start using your own Unique Mechanism in just a few hours...

     So you'll quickly get more attention, more clicks on your ads, more new clients, and more sales. 

     Not too mention, you'll possess the knowledge and ability to develop and deploy a Unique Mechanism for any new product or service or any new marketing campaign going forward. 

This Bootcamp Is Perfect For YOU If...

  • This Bootcamp is perfect for you if you’re in a crowded and competitive marketplace and want to be sure your marketing isn’t ignored or viewed as more of the same. But, instead, stands-out as fresh, unique, and interesting. 
  • ​This Bootcamp is perfect for you if you want marketing that consistently brings you new clients without you having to do anything sleazy or slimy or icky in your marketing.
  • ​And this Bootcamp is perfect for you if you know your knowledge and expertise can help people, and you just need a reliable and proven way to ensure prospects see you as the obvious and clear choice for who they should invest their money with.

You Will Be The Clear & Obvious Choice In Your Marketplace!

Introducing my…

“Insider Marketing Team Training Calls!"

(30-Minute Marketing Gems for FAST Results!)

     These 30-minute training sessions are for the serious business person who’s ready to roll up their sleeves and take massive action towards increasing their lead flow, sales, and new customers.

     If you’d like to reduce your workload, maximize opportunities, and shortcut your learning curve, then...

You MUST meet these


Read carefully:

First, there’s the price. 

     These private weekly 30-minute “Marketing Team Training Calls” are done and led by me.  Folks regularly pay 5-figures for a single day with me, if and when I'm even available.  You get to glean and mine marketing gold from me for a full year.  So this is no small investment.  Fresh each week I walk you through marketing shortcuts for dramatically making giant leaps in your marketing.  
Get ready to spend less time in your marketing while making more money from it. 

     Oh, and if you happen to be a freelancer or provide any marketing or copywriting services for your clients...

These 30-minute shortcuts are

your NEW secret weapon!

The second is faith. 

     You must have strong faith in yourself that you’ll take action on these shortcuts I share with you and start applying them right away into your business. 

     Simply because, it doesn't come with a money-back guarantee, although you can cancel at any time.
Here’s the thing:

     Any serious business owner who needs a guarantee on these private training sessions, which costs less than a few bucks per day, is neither psychologically nor emotionally ready to use these in their business anyway, which I’m good with.
Last is patience. 

     These marketing gems are easy to follow and take time to implement. If you think merely watching these sessions once and not taking action is all that’s needed, you’ll be greatly disappointed and it will be a poor use of your time and money.


If you meet all the

qualifications above,

continue reading...

     Now is your rare opportunity for you to profit from the same high-level tactics, strategies, training, and methods I'm PRIVATELY showing and teaching my marketing team right now and every week going forward in {{YYYY}}.

Starting today, right now:
  • You'll enjoy access to the true insider marketing methods NOT shared publicly by any other expert or coach.
  • ​​You'll develop a marketing IQ and sales-producing chops few will be able to rival (Least of all your competitors!)
  • And you'll most certainly gain the marketing know-how to produce a staggering amount of sales from almost any marketing campaign in {{YYYY}}.
     For those of you ready to get started right now, let me give you ACTION TAKERS a few special bonuses to devour before our next session coming up this Tuesday.



6 Ways to Avoid 

My Golden Ten

Overselling In Your Copy

Proven Methods to Boost 

Your Marketing Strategy While Maintaining Credibility

   You’re right to want to sound different and better than everyone else.

   But if you don’t wield these three tools CORRECTLY — empathy, honesty, and imagination — you fade into the background along with over 6000 ads your prospect sees each day.

   The good news is that even while prospects starve for “different” 

… even while they hunger for “better” 

   They turn their back on everything but authenticity.

   Which is why you need this 6 factor guide to transform your marketing strategy from the ground up, leveraging authenticity, trust, and customer connection.

there's more...


How To Captivate Prospects With An Irresistible Opening To Your Marketing Message!

(NOTE: If you decide to take the full-pay option below, you'll get instant access to this bonus.)

Let me quickly introduce you to John Forde.

Now, everyone who’s anyone in the world of direct response marketing agrees… when it comes to putting together powerhouse Leads, there’s nobody who knows more than legendary direct response copywriter, John Forde.

First off, John Forde is not only the behind-the-scenes mentor to dozen’s of today’s top copywriters.

​He’s personally been writing the copy for home run marketing promotions for over 25 years now.

​In fact, his copy has brought in hundreds of millions of dollars for his clients across multiple industries.

​So when it comes to constructing campaign leads and openers, John is a wizard… and is the go-to source for the most effective Lead methods working today.

This full-day boot camp is a masterclass in setting up leads for your campaigns that are almost irresistible to your prospects.
  • You’re getting the recordings of John Forde full-day bootcamp, what we’re calling Begin With A Bang! How To Captivate Prospects With An Irresistible Opening To Your Marketing Message.
  • You’re getting the unedited recording of the private Zoom call with me, John, and my Marketing Director John Mulry.
  • You’re getting the full Agora Financial Lead-Based Swipe File… annotated by one of the world’s best copy chiefs.
  • You’re getting the private Lead Dissection video I recorded for my own team. Dissecting the Lead of our most effective customer-acquisition campaign of the past two years.
  • And you’re getting a copy of my go-to Campaign Lead Template — only shared with my team and my E5 Coaching Clients.
Attendees paid $700 to be in attendance for this one-time-only event.  That's not even including hotel and airfare guests invested for this historic bootcamp.  (Many who flew in from England, Brazil, Spain, India and even Australia).   

Right now, you can get immediate access to the recordings of John’s entire one-day boot camp FREE when you order today with the FULL-PAY option!

You're Getting Everything for less than $1.37 per day when you order before...

  • 52 WEEKLY RECORDINGS of my marketing team training calls (a $1,188.00/yr value.)
  • FAST-ACTION Bonus #1: The Pathway To Dominance Report (a $27.00 value.)
  • ​​FAST-ACTION Bonus #2: 6 Ways to Avoid Overselling in Your Copy (a $27.00 value.)
  • ​FAST-ACTION Bonus #3: Our marketing team meeting agenda (a $199.00 value.)
  • ​FULL-PAY FAST-ACTION Bonus #4: John Forde's Full-Day Bootcamp Trainings Bundle (a $2,800 value), when you take the full-pay option.

Total value: $4,241.00

Regular price: $1,586.00

Special offer price before...


Only $498!

Quick note:
     Clients happily pay me $15,000.00 to fly into Florida and spend the day with me. One 30-minute session is valued right at $937.00 dollars. 

     You and I are spending 30-minutes a week for only $1,188 $498 per year! That comes to less than $1.37 cents a day. Plus, you're getting all four bonuses!

     It pretty much makes this a no-brainer offer for the smart and savvy marketer. And it allows us to help more businesses who otherwise would not be able to get these insights and strategies without flying down to work with me.

I think you would agree...

     Taking massive action on these 30-minute shortcuts each week can quickly start driving in fresh new leads, sales, and customers into your business right away.

OK, it's decision time...

Safe & Secure Order Form

 YES Todd! - I want immediate access to 
the 4-hour Unique Mechanism Bootcamp 
at 93%-off!

 YES Todd! - I want immediate access to the 4-hour Unique Mechanism Bootcamp at 93%-off!

 I want complete mastery of the most powerful conversion & differentiation technique in all of direct response marketing today.
 And, I want my own Unique Mechanism so my audience immediately views my solution as different and better than every other option they have... and as the smartest investment they can make today.

Fill in your information below to get started:

Step #1: Select Item

Item Price
Price: N̶o̶r̶m̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶$̶9̶9̶5̶.̶0̶0̶ Now $69

Step #2: Contact Information

Step #3: Billing Address

Step #4: Payment Information

Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

Here’s what a few others are saying

about Todd's marketing methods…

"This entire system that Todd has put together is just MAGNIFICENT! That's why I'm so excited."

- Ed Dale | Creator, The Challenge

"... has not only "Upgraded" my marketing chops, but has given me so much clarity on how to tweak everything I currently do. Epic!"

- Andre Chaperon | Creator, Autoresponder Madness

"It's going to have people's jaw drop open and have them want to listen, want to watch and want to buy everything you do. That's why you're going to have a competitive advantage nobody else is going to be able to beat."

- Marisa Murgatroyd | Creator, Live Your Message
     Imagine what I do, show, and share with my team when my money, reputation, and livelihood are genuinely on the line.

Now you'll see it all.

     I have zero doubt, you're not only going to love getting the recordings of my marketing team training every week.

     You're also going to find the candor and raw actionable insights refreshing and energizing. Because for the first time, you're finally getting the real-deal stuff shared behind the scenes between an expert and his team.

Sign-up now so you

don't miss out on any more of

my 30-minute shortcuts.

The next one is coming up Tuesday. 

     Click the button below (it scrolls you up to the order form) to get started within the next few minutes!